(photo courtesy of podpad/freedigitalphotos.net)
I am an organizer capable of planning just about any kind of event. An event I have organized to perfection is the Pity Party. Here are a few quick tips on how to throw the perfect pity party.
1. Focus on what you don’t have.
2. Focus on what you have never had.
3. Focus on what everyone else has.
4. Focus on what you used to have that you no longer have.
5. Focus on everything wrong with the people you live with, work with and are around you.6. Focus on what has happened to you.
6. Focus on what has happened to you.
There you go. Simple. The Woe Is Me Party!
I used to throw many a pity party, but no more. Of course, I would be lying if I didn’t tell you I still occasionally throw a pity party, but my pity parties have decreased dramatically and there are 5 main reasons:
1. I deliberately focus on what I do have.
2. I deliberately focus on what I have had, good and bad and realize not all things are permanent…..just for a season.
3. I deliberately do not focus on what everyone else has.
4. I deliberately focus on what I have today….not the future…..just today.
5. I deliberately focus on what I can control, which is my attitude. I can’t control other people’s actions, inactions, or words. I can control me.