Wow, How negative can I be?
I’ve already decided you won’t reach the goals you have set for yourself in 2016!!
What the title should read, but it would have been entirely too long is:
Why You Won’t Reach Your Goal, Even Though You Want To, But If You Do These Things You Can Reach Your Goal!
So what are the magic bullets for reaching your goals:
1. You have to be a little uncomfortable
Yep, most goals take you out of your comfort zone.
You have to get up earlier, you have to exert more effort, you have to change old habits, you have to change your way of thinking. All of those things take you out of the familiar.
2. You have to really want to change, not because someone wants you to change.
Many of us will set goals because a friend, a spouse, a parent are encouraging us to be different in some way……make some sort of change. Yes, the change probably would be good for you, but until you are ready and you own it, your exuberance and drive will fizzle very quickly.
3. You have to make and schedule time.
Most New Year’s goals center around weight loss, getting more organized, gaining financial freedom, practicing more quiet time, etc. All of those things take effort and time. So, when have you scheduled time to do these things? If you say you are going to get up 30 minutes earlier each day, is that when it is warm outside the covers or are you really committed to getting up? If you say you are going to clean out your closet, when is that non-negotiable appointment on your calendar?
What is planned gets done!
So, now, look at your goals, re-evaluate and work on being a little uncomfortable, being committed to change and scheduling time. If you do those things, this time next year, you will be saying…..LOOK AT WHAT I DID!!!!
HAPPY 2016!