Your Kindergarten Teacher Had It Right – Peggy W Barnes

Your Kindergarten Teacher Had It Right

Several years back there was a popular book entitled, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” by Robert Fulghum.  It had things in it like – share everything, play fair, don’t hit people, and clean up your own mess.  Today I am here to share another thing you learned in kindergarten that can help you be more organized.
Kindergarten teachers have it right when they divide their rooms into “centers”.  You have the make believe center, the reading center, the building block center, the manipulatives center, and the computer center.  In each center you have all the things you need to have fun and learn in that center. 

How does that apply to adult life?  In my den, I have 2 centers that just happen to look like chairs.   If you look in the photo below you will see a chair with a lot of books.  This is the “reading” “life coaching” and “quiet time” chair.  In the basket, to the left of the chair, you will find books I am reading,some of my life coaching reference books and information, my Bible and devotional books.  I keep a highlighter and pen handy for marking up and making notes about things I want to remember. 

In this second picture you will see another chair.  This is where I do most of my writing, social media work, computer work and heavy duty business stuff.   I have a notebook, pen and computer handy around this chair.  Before I sit down, I have a plan of action – What do I want to accomplish when I sit down?  What are my goals for the time I have available?  Who do I need to follow up with and do I need to play my next word in my Words with Friends game?  Yes, my centers are for fun, too!  

Look around your home.  Could you divide your house into “centers” so you can work more efficiently and effectively?  When you decide what areas would be a good center, gather the things you need for that area so that you can get the work done without getting up and down to gather supplies.   After you have figured it out, go thank a teacher for figuring it out first!  
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