Webster defines a life coach as an advisor who helps people make decisions, set and reach goals, or deal with problems. The reason I decided to become a Life Coach is I saw so many people trapped in their lives, feeling like they had no where to go, no choices, no dreams and no goals. A Life Coach is designed to ask the right questions to help you think about your life differently, re-framing current circumstances and taking a full assessment of where your life is and where it is you want to be. Life Coaches are not counselors, psychiatrists, or mentors. We are good listeners that pay attention to details. We help you discover […]
(photo courtesy of stuartmiles/freedigitalphotos.net)Life was meant to live in balance. Is your life balanced? If you assess your life in these areas, how satisfied are you in each area of your life:1. Work2. Health – Physical and Emotional3. Personal Environment4. Social Life5. Spiritual Life6. Family Life7. Finances8. Relationships9. Personal Time “The key to keeping your balance is knowing when you’ve lost it”. AnonymousHave you lost your balance and you haven’t taken the time to find out? If you take the time to assess these areas of your life and see what is out of balance, […]
I hear it all the time…HELP! I work and I work and I work and I just cannot get organized. I can give you 10 of the most common reasons why you can’t get organized. 1. You are trying to organize like someone else thinks….not how you think.2. You are trying to organize too much at one time.3. You are not willing to let go.4. You are not staying focused for any length of time.5. You are not taking the next step….are you hanging up your robe, are you putting the trash in the trash can, the dirty dish in the dishwasher, are you taking the designated donate items to a donation location, etc.6. […]
The word discontent has been rattling around in my brain recently. I am not sure why but I try very hard to pay attention when anything is rattling around in my brain! Dictionary.com defines discontent as not content; dissatisfied; a restless desire or craving for something one does not have. At first glance, the word discontent would appear to have a negative connotation but upon further reflection and review, I might say it can have a positive connotation as well.I can become very discontent if I receive a catalog, sit down to look at the catalog, turn down the pages of what I love and then realize I can’t order any of […]
I am in a business where I see a lot of pain. As a professional organizer and life coach, I see people caught up in their clutter, their problems, their past, their expectations, their unhappiness, their sickness, their comparison, their lies and their grief. This video speaks to so much of that and more. “The only true disability in life is a bad attitude”
It is snowing here, in Eastern NC. For many of you reading this snow is no big deal, however, here in Eastern NC, it is a very big deal. When we get snow, it shuts us down. Schools close, roads and bridges close, businesses close and we come to a screeching halt! This kind of weather makes me think about so many things: 1. How thankful I am to have a warm home 2. How much I miss having my children home to play outside and come in to warm by the fire and drink hot chocolate when they were ready for a break. 3. How magical a world can look […]
These are some of my favorite quotable quotes. “Little by little a little becomes a lot” ~Tanzanian Proverb~ “Put your big girl panties on and deal with it.” ~Roz Van Meter~ “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending” ~Maria Robinson~ It is what it is. ~Anonymous~ Don’t believe everything you think. ~Anonymous~ “Change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.” ~Tony Robbins~ Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. ~Anonymous~ “The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.” ~Psalm 145:13~ “Say what you […]
Today, as I sit in my warm home, looking at the winter weather accumulate outside my windows, I am looking at Facebook posts. Many of the posts are centered around the weather. Alabama friends are dealing with an unexpected snow and there are children that cannot get home to their parents, teachers that are stuck all night in the schools with said children and motorists stranded on the road, leaving cars and walking to get home. Here, in Eastern North Carolina, we were told, about this time yesterday, that we could possibly see 12 inches of snow by this afternoon, however, the winter weather, I see, looks very much like ice and […]
Love / Hate designed by Valéry I have a love/hate relationship with so many things.1. I love to eat…..not always really healthy stuff. I hate the pounds and inches it adds to my body!2. I love to visit family. I hate the travel it requires for me to get there.3. I love to play internet games – yes I am guilty of indulging in Candy Crush and Scrabble! I hate when I allow them to be time suckers4. I […]