Confessions of an Organizer – I’m Not Always Motivated Either – Peggy W Barnes

Confessions of an Organizer – I’m Not Always Motivated Either




Many people, who know me, would find it hard to believe that I would love to curl up in my bed with a good book or piddle around in my home all day.

I have a reputation for moving, going, doing, working, and getting things done.  From the outside, that is all very admirable, but take a look at the inside of my brain and my thoughts and how I reframe and keep going, in spite of how I feel.

Me:  I am exhausted.
New thought:  If you get up and get moving, you will have more energy.

Me:  I have so much to do.
New thought: What is the next thing you need to do?

Me:  I just can’t do this anymore
New thought: Remember why you are doing what you are doing.  You can’t achieve the results you want if you stop now.

Me:  This is just too hard
New thought: It’s hard, but it is not impossible. You have a 100% success rate at making it through the hard times.

Me:  I don’t feel like doing this
New thought:  You don’t feel like doing this, but you made a commitment to yourself and you will honor yourself by keeping that commitment.

Me:  I am overwhelmed with stuff to do for clients and what I need to get done at home.
New thought:  Braindump all you have to do on a list and pick out your next best step.

I will admit, I don’t do this perfectly every day, but I have a very strong WHY that keeps me going.  I have found the more time I spend telling myself all the negative things the more tired and frustrated I get.  The more time I spend in a positive frame of mind and in taking action, the more energy I have and the more I get done.

Motivation is going to wane.

Passion is going to wane.

You are going to have to be the driver of yourself.

You are going to have to be the one that takes hold of your thoughts.

You are going to have to be the one that keeps moving in spite of how you feel.

Nike had it right:  Just do it.

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