The Truth About Organizing – Peggy W Barnes

The Truth About Organizing



It is January 1st and I can bet at least 75% of the people reading this post have a resolution to de-clutter and organize.  As an organizer and life coach, I say go for it!  However, I will let you know there are some truths that you need to know before you begin.

  1. As the quote says, you need to start with your vision.  Your “why”. If you can identify that, decision making will be easier and your motivation will not fade.  Visualize the life you’d rather be living, then move towards that vision.
  2. De-cluttering is one thing.  Organizing is another.  De-clutter first.  Organize second.
  3. De-cluttering and organizing is not a one and done deal.  You will have to continue to manage “stuff”, just hopefully not as much and it should take much less time!
  4. Don’t buy organizing products until you know what needs organizing AND just because something is in a box doesn’t mean it’s organized.  It means you have put a lot of stuff in a box and basically delayed making decisions on any of it.
  5. Don’t expect it to be an easy process.  It takes time, patience, and follow-through. It is easy to get started with a lot of motivation and excitement.  When you get deep into the process is when you need to dig in your heels, grit your teeth and keep going.

2017 could definitely be your year to be more organized and de-cluttered.  Go into the experience with a clear vision, realistic expectations, and tenacity.  Clear the path for the life you want to live, not a life of managing stuff.