I hear it all the time…HELP! I work and I work and I work and I just cannot get organized.
I can give you 10 of the most common reasons why you can’t get organized.
1. You are trying to organize like someone else thinks….not how you think.
2. You are trying to organize too much at one time.
3. You are not willing to let go.
4. You are not staying focused for any length of time.
5. You are not taking the next step….are you hanging up your robe, are you putting the trash in the trash can, the dirty dish in the dishwasher, are you taking the designated donate items to a donation location, etc.
6. You do not have a home for everything
7. You have not scheduled time to organize
8. You have unreal expectations about how long it will take to undo what has taken years to do.
9. You want to talk about getting organized more than you really want to exert the effort to change habits and ways of thinking.
10. You have life reasons such as sickness – physical or mental or you have way too many things on your life plate.
All of the above are legitimate reasons but all can be overcome. You just have to be honest enough, with yourself, to know the reasons why and see what you can do to combat those obstacles, because you truly can combat them. I’ll tell you a little secret……..if you look at the top 9 reasons, just do the opposite of what the sentence says and you can overcome that obstacle.
For example, #1 – You are trying to organize like someone else thinks….not how you think.
What you say to yourself is – how do I think and what will work for me?
#2 – You are trying to organize too much at one time
What you say to yourself is – I am going to organize one shelf…..not the whole kitchen.
See how that works. The only one that will not work with is reason #10. There are things in life that are really out of your control but even in those times, you do have more control than you think……sometimes you just have to do things you don’t really feel like doing.
Take a look at the list above, do any of them ring true to you?
There are other reasons, too, what are some of yours?