aging – Peggy W Barnes


The Reinvention of Me

Webster’s definition of reinvention is: to make major changes or improvements to (something)to present (something) in a different or new way I realize that all of life is about reinventing myself….defining and redefining who I am based on life experiences, inner revelations and maturity.   I have reinvented myself many times……a child moving into Junior […]

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Seasons…..A Time For Everything

Yesterday, while talking with my sister-in-law, I was reminded of this verse.  What a great verse to remind us all that there are seasons of life and that we cannot stay in one season of life forever.We all grow older and can’t stay young forever. We all have very hard seasons of life that we go

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I Can’t Be Old Enough to Be a Grandmother – But Thank God I Am One

I am a new grandmother.  I cannot believe I am old enough to be a  grandmother.  I love being a grandmother.  I am in awe of this precious little one they call Barnes. I was talking with some friends of mine and we all came to the conclusion that the first half of our life

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